Forgotten Hits Remembers "The Day The Music Died" ... Fifty Years Later
It's hard to believe, but February 3,
2009 marked the 50th anniversary of the plane crash that took Buddy Holly,
Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper from us back on February 3, 1959.
Perhaps even MORE incredible is the fact that this music ... which,
according to all the "Doubting Thomases" of the day was SUPPOSED to
die out in just a few short months back in 1956, is STILL with us and stronger
than ever. (In fact, I recently heard DeeJay Jimmy Jay interviewing Dave
Somerville of The Diamonds in conjunction with this milestone anniversary
... Dave, who toured with Buddy Holly regularly back then, recalled the
time that he and Buddy had a conversation surrounding this very topic.
"How much longer do you think this rock and roll music can last?"
asked Dave. Holly replied that he thought it might last another six months ...
to which Dave responded, "Well, I hope you're wrong ... I'm hoping we can
get another year out of this.") LOL ... TOO funny. Who knew?!?!?
Sadly, in retrospect, it probably wasn't much more than six months after this
conversation that the music DID die for Buddy Holly ... he never knew
the impact that he, himself, had made on the genre of Rock And Roll ... and how
highly regarded his contributions to this new-fangled sound would become. His
song catalog has been recorded by literally HUNDREDS of artists over the years
... and we'll never know what MIGHT have been had Buddy's career been allowed
to continue and thrive ... instead it's just a constant source of speculation
these days.
While this date has forever been immortalized as "The Day The Music
Died" thanks to Don McLean's chart-topper American Pie, FH List Member
David Lewis reminds us that a tribute titled "Three Stars" made the
charts just a short time after we lost these music icons.
Tommy Dee had the most successful version, peaking at #11. (Dee did the
narration on this record ... we should point out that the vocals were handled
by Carol Kay and the Teen-Aires.) The song also charted for Ruby Wright (#99
... on her version, the narration was handled by Cincinnati deejay Dick Pike).
But perhaps the most MOVING version was done by rock legend Eddie Cochran, a
true contemporary peer of these lost stars. I'm sure it took everything Eddie
had to get his feelings down on wax ... you won't find a more emotional
reading of this song ... it's virtually impossible for the LISTENER to make it
through the whole record without being overcome with emotion ... one can only
imagine how difficult it was for Eddie to get through this recording session
... he was clearly beyond tears while committing his thoughts to vinyl.
Lifetime personal friend of Cochran, John Rook, told me that Eddie broke down
in tears when he first discussed Buddy's death with him, after being virtually
inconsolable for days after the accident. "Promise me that if something
like this ever happens to me, you'll take care of 'Shrimper,'" he said.
(Eddie always referred to his mother, Alice Cochran, who was no more than
5'2" tall, affectionately as "Shrimper".) Sadly, Cochran himself
would leave us just fourteen months later in a fatal car crash while on tour in
Wilshire, England.
Special thanks to Forgotten Hits Reader David Lewis for reminding us about this
one ... and to John Rook, a personal friend of Eddie Cochran ... for sharing
his memories of this with us as well.
Click here: The Eddie Cochran Connection - Passing Thru
by John Rook
For some very special Eddie Cochran photos, Click here: Eddie
We asked some of our Forgotten Hits Readers to share THEIR memories of "The Day The Music Died" ... what follows is a testimonial to the lives and music of Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens.
It was a cold snowy day in early
February of 1959 when Alice Cochran telephoned and asked if I could fly out to
be with Eddie ... he was in deep depression mourning the death of his good
friend Buddy Holly. A single engine plane with Buddy, Richie Valens and J.P.
Richardson, known as the Big Bopper, had crashed just a few miles outside of
Mason City, Iowa. They were part of a tour, traveling by bus that had been
breaking down and, in need of sleep, they decided to rent a small plane to fly
them ahead in enough time for them to get some much needed rest before the next
show. The tragedy hit Eddie especially hard as he and Buddy had formed a strong
friendship during the Australian tour the previous year. I left immediately for
Rapid City to catch a flight to Denver and on to California. Red Julson picked
me up at the Los Angeles airport and as we drove to the house in silence I only
remember his saying, “Eddie’s pretty torn up, Johnnie”. I shook my head in
understanding. This would be a gloomy visit to the Cochran home, not at all
like the fun filled days in the past. Alice met me at the door and without
saying anything reached up to give me a hug and a kiss I entered the house. She
just shook her head in distress with tears in her eyes and, as we walked into the
living room, Eddie appeared, advancing from his bedroom, offering a combined
handshake and hug saying “Good to see ya, man”. We walked silently into his
bedroom and as I starred out the window to the outside world, Eddie picked up
his guitar and began to quietly pick on the strings with a pained frown on his
face. After several minutes, Eddie was standing behind me reaching for my
shoulders to turn me around facing him and said, “If anything like this happens
to me, promise me you’ll take care of Shrimper,” ok? I assured him I would and
did honor that pledge for the remainder of her life in the thirty plus years
ahead. Alice poked her head in the bedroom door and inquired if I was hungry
and as I answered I wasn’t, Eddie laid his guitar down on the bed and motioned
for me to follow him outside. It was nice feeling the warmth of the California
sun but a cloud clearly shadowed Eddie’s mind as he stopped to gaze blindly at
some flowers. His back was turned to me but I could see he was quietly crying.
As I approached him and placed my arm around his neck he turned away and, with
his hand, wiped the tears from his face. That evening, brother Bob Cochran
arrived and I noticed an improvement in Eddie’s behavior as he embraced and
smiled at seeing his favorite brother. Bob looked at me and said, “How you
been, disc jockey John?” It was the first I had seen Bob since the change in my
career and Eddie picked up on the theme by remarking “Disc Jockey John ain’t
playin’ enough Eddie Cochran records”. The humor was a welcome relief and I
thought I would help it along by saying something to the effect that I only
played the hits. Bob responded, “Your job is to make them hits, boy!”. Coming
from another area of the house, sister Gloria interrupted asking how my flight
was, encouraging Eddie to add, “Flight, I didn’t know they had airplanes out
there in Indian country”. I don’t recall seeing Frank during this visit but I
believe it was this trip that I met Eddie’s sister Pat and her husband Hank as
they stopped by briefly. It would seem my arrival had broken some of the gloom
that brought me to the Cochran home and after two days, Alice managed a limited
smile as I said it was time for me to return to South Dakota. Tears came to her
eyes as I hugged her and Eddie goodbye and Red took me to the airport for the
return trip home. Several months later, Eddie called asking if I would be
interested in presenting him in concert. Of course my listening audience was
way ahead of the nation in being Eddie Cochran fans, with his recordings a
regular feature on my radio show. We agreed he would appear in both Hot
Springs, South Dakota and Chadron, Nebraska. Having just completed a survey of
the record stores, I was pleased that Eddie had been voted on top of the
popularity polls of the record buying public. Now as he planned on appearing, I
had a trophy made up announcing Eddie as the area’s number one singer and Keys
to the City of Chadron and Hot Springs would be given to him upon his arrival.
Even better, the Nebraska appearance would be on his 21st birthday, so his fans
would present Eddie with a giant birthday cake. Little did we know, it would
sadly be Eddie’s last. Both concerts were sold out, as fans from all throughout
the area came to celebrate Eddie’s birthday by attending the concert. The shows
were in top form as Eddie, wearing those white bucks
with their tongue hanging out for comfort, put on great shows. He was delighted
not only to see me but in appreciation of the welcome I had orchestrated for
him. After both appearances we had some time alone where we laughed heartily of
past experiences and talked about the future. Eddie encouraged me to “take your
act to a larger town” ... he thought Denver and Salt Lake City would be
excellent stepping stones for my some day returning to Los Angeles. We laughed
in unison how an advancement in my career would improve his too, as Eddie said,
“We both need to move up some, boy”. We toasted our friendship with swigs of
alcohol that surfaced from a bottle that came from out of nowhere. It would be
our last time together as Eddie told me about an up coming tour of England
planned for early the following year. I thought how unusual for Eddie to be
actually looking forward to touring. He actually seemed to be looking forward
to traveling abroad to the UK, just the opposite reaction he demonstrated for
his tour of Australia. His excitement of this trip was fueled by his being one
of the very first American rock acts to appear there. He also told me about a
new all black leather stage outfit he was planning to wear, that would break
apart in pieces if grabbed by fans. Eddie joked, he was debating about wearing
anything underneath the leather. “Can you imagine the attention that would
get?”, he said. Bidding him goodbye, Eddie walked me to my car and reminded me
of our plans for seeing each other in the following summer when I would
vacation in California. As we hugged goodbye, I kidded that I had every
intention of actually being employed in radio in Los Angeles by then. His final
words to me were, “You’ll be staying out at the house with us, won’t ya”? He
was so proud of the new home he had just purchased for his parents in Buena
Park, and was looking forward to my visit and being his guest. I assured him
that would be the case and I waved goodbye to Eddie … for the final time.
-- John Rook
(from his forthcoming book, "Passing Thru" ... used by permission)
Growing up, I always enjoyed The Big Bopper's
"Chantilly Lace". I actually thought it was a comedy record when I
was little!
Ritchie Valens and Buddy Holly were huge influences on many of the bands that I
listened to on a regular basis growing up. It wasn't until The Beatles covered
"Words Of Love" on the "Beatles VI" album that I actually
became aware of Buddy. I love Buddy Holly's and Ritchie Valens' recordings, and
am amazed at what great guitarists they both were. Even today, they are both
very underrated as a guitarists. Had they lived, I can only assume that they
would have eventually recorded their own Sgt.Pepper / Pet Sounds masterpiece
Mitch Schecter / The Rip Chords
I was too young to appreciate the loss of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The
Big Bopper when they died in 1959 ... I wouldn't discover their music until
YEARS later. Like Mitch, I first learned about the music of Buddy Holly through
The Beatles, who talked often about what a HUGE influence he was on their
lives. Their version of "Words Of Love" is probably the first Buddy
Holly song I ever heard ... and there's no denying the fact that the artists of
The British Invasion helped to introduce a good number of us to this music,
thanks to recordings like "Not Fade Away" by The Rolling Stones and
"True Love Ways" by Peter And Gordon. Sadly, Ritchie Valens and The
Big Bopper seem to be forgotten at times when people talk about the tragic
events of February 3rd, 1959, and that's a shame. ALL of these careers were cut
short that fateful day. I used to sing "Donna" in the early '70's and
when La Bamba was made into a feature film, the music of Ritchie Valens FINALLY
came into the limelight. (A film about the life of J.P. Richardson, aka The Big
Bopper, has been in the works for at least a decade now yet STILL hasn't seen
the light of day. Forgotten Hits readers may remember his son looking into the
details of his death last year ... it seems that The Big Bopper's body was
found quite a distance from the plane wreckage and other bodies, leading some
to suspect that he survived the plane crash and was on his way for help that
night before he was ultimately overcome by his injuries and the elements of a
cold February evening.) Surely, their music HAS lived on ... and withstood the
test of time. Untold HUNDREDS of artists have gone on to cover Buddy Holly's
tunes ... and we'll never know what new heights these artists may have reached
had their careers not been so tragically cut short.
-- Kent Kotal / Forgotten Hits
I truly understand that "The Day The Music
Died" was a terrible day. My problem is that it is ALWAYS
"attributed" to Buddy Holly. I grant that Holly was a "driving
force" in the early days or Rock and Roll; however, we will NEVER KNOW the
impact that Ritchie Valens might have had on the genre.
Kip Ecclestone / Kip's Klassic Records
I have to agree that much of the focus these past fifty years have
revolved around Buddy Holly ... hopefully some of the testimonials today will
help to honor the OTHER artists that perished that sad day, too. (kk)
As for remembering when they died, I was not here
yet! But I have always liked Buddy Holly's, Ritchie Valens' and The Big
Bopper's Music. They all had a lot of talent and it is fantastic that they
shared it with everyone. That it is still popular in today's world says a lot.
There are those who would have you believe that
there is some kind of "Buddy Holly Curse" that infected people like
Bobby Fuller (who sang Buddy's "Love's Made A Fool Of You" before his
own mysterious death). I've never bought into it. But if there is one, the
chief victim would have to be a guy named Ronnie Smith. Yes, Ronnie Smith.
After Buddy died, the remaining Crickets were enticed to stay on the Winter
Dance Party with a promise that they would be allowed to attend his funeral
(they weren't) and that they would be given Buddy's share of the group's fee
(the promoters said they gave it instead to Maria Elena and whether that's true
is questionable, as well). Since none of the Crickets were vocalists (though
Waylon Jennings soon would be), a singer named Ronnie Smith from a Texas group
called the Poor Boys was brought in to finish the tour (in addition, Frankie
Avalon and Jimmy Clanton were hired to fill out the bill, though Frankie
contracted pneumonia and was soon forced to bow out himself in favor of
Ronnie had played with Carl Bunch, the unfortunate drummer who was hospitalized
earlier in the tour with frostbite. (In case you're wondering -- Bobby Vee was
a local Fargo youth, whose group, the Shadows, played February 3rd in nearby
Moorhead, Minnesota ... but he did not finish the Winter Dance Party tour.)
Ronnie joined the Crickets in Des Moines on February 5 (a day after Carl's
return) and completed the tour with them. But the original Crickets, the ones
who hadn't played with Buddy on the WDP, owned the rights to the name. So when
the tour ended, so did Ronnie, Carl, Waylon Jennings and Tommy Allsup's careers
as Crickets. While the originals went on without Buddy, Ronnie and Carl formed
a new group called the Jitters, joined up with Norm Petty as producer and even
got a contract with Brunswick Records -- the Crickets label. Unfortunately,
"Lookie, Lookie, Lookie" and "A Tiny Kiss", released that
June, went nowhere. The group broke up later that year when Carl entered the
Ronnie was into drugs even before hooking up with the Crickets. It's said he
brought along amphetamines bought in Mexico with him when he joined the group
in Des Moines. Carl Bunch is quoted in Larry Lehmer's book, "The Day The
Music Died" as saying, "Ronnie had some serious problems. He didn't
share those problem with me. I knew that he used pills every now and then, but
I didn't see him using the stuff. I kept trying my best to keep him away from
the use of drugs because I didn't think we needed them. I thought they were
hurting him." The efforts of Carl and Waylon Jennings appear to have been
in vain.
By 1962, things had gotten bad enough for Ronnie to be committed to a Texas
state hospital for rehabilitation. Tragically, he hung himself in the hospital
on October 25, 1962, at the age of 24. Ironically, Carl went on to earn a PhD
in clinical psychotheology and worked as a substance abuse counselor.
If February 3, 1959 was indeed "the day the music died," it appears
that a small part of that music took 3 1/2 years longer to succumb. But
eventually it did, taking the life of the Crickets second lead singer,a s well.
-- Ron Smith
Hi Kent,
I am one of Ritchie Valens' former classmates. We sat next to each other in a
10th grade English class and he was a real nice kid.
They performed their last concert on my 17th birthday on Feb 2nd, then they
were killed early that next morning shortly after take off.
Attached is a newspaper article from the Dayton Daily News (Ohio) about my
association with Ritchie after an interview during the time 'La Bamba' was
showing in theaters. Perhaps you can find something in it to use in your
memories. I had blacked out my last name when I scanned the article. I went to
school with Donna for awhile, too. Also attached are 2 scanned pages of Ritchie
from my '59 and '60 high school yearbooks.
Thanks for sharing these with our readers once again! (kk)
(click photos to enlarge image)
Hi, Kent -
I did three episodes of the “History of Rock ‘n’ Roll with Gary
Theroux” that dealt with Buddy Holly. His music lives on today as a
testament to what an innovative artist he really was -- years ahead of his
Gary Theroux
The "Day the Music
Died" will always be remembered. Three great talents gone. Just wonder
what they would be doing with their music talents today!
I had the opportunity to meet the Big Bopper's son and see one of John Muellers
tribute shows plus the play "Buddy". It was the next best thing to
being at one of their original concerts ...
"That'll Be the Day" is in my personal top ten of rock and roll
songs. It was the first 45 rpm record I bought and I still have it in my 1960
Seeburg Jukebox!
I remember the Buddy Holly Story movie when after his last concert he said
"See you Next Year!"
Well, they are gone now, but we will always have the great music of Buddy, JP
and Ritchie.
I can't believe this is the 50th Anniversary of the
'day the music died.' Are we all really that old? It was a long time ago, but
fifty years? No way!
I had already been working as a radio station 'gopher' and teen news announcer
for nearly two years prior to that fateful early morning, February 3, 1959 and,
like most of the others who eagerly await your e-mails, I was totally absorbed
by music. I ate, slept and dreamed about music--and the talented singers and
singer / songwriters who dominated the era. It was all about 'God-given talent'
for the most part. One can hardly call Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, and Patsy
Cline a 'hunk' or a 'pin-up.'
Sure, Elvis and Ricky Nelson caused the girl's hearts to flutter, but many of
the artists and groups having hit records at the time were average 'Joe's.'
Except for appearances on "American Bandstand" or "The Dick
Clark Saturday Night Beechnut Show," we rarely saw these artists on television. By the time we did see them, we
were already hooked on their music, so it really didn't matter what they looked
I grew up in Sacramento -- in a quiet middle class neighborhood in the
northeast part of the city. We had a three bedroom, one and a half bath home.
My bedroom was down the hall from my parent's bedroom, which provided me with
the perfect opportunity to listen to music late into the night -- when I should
have been sound asleep.
Of course, the little blue transistor radio, with an earpiece nearly twice the
size of my daughter's 'ear bud,' could be easily hidden from my parents by
placing it under my pillow:) I would often fall asleep at night listening to
Bill Gavin's "Lucky Lager Dance Time" -- credited with helping
establish the 'Top 40' format -- on KGO Radio -- eighty miles away in my
'hometown' of San Francisco. Little did I know that ten years later, as head of
the Beach Boys' Brother Records label, I would be honored to become a friend of
Bill -- and his lovely wife, Janet.
So on that fateful February night in the winter of 1959, I was listening to the
radio as Buddy, The "Big Bopper" and Ritchie Valens were performing
their final show at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa. At approximately
1:00 AM in the morning, on February 3, the three stars (a few weeks later the
title of a 'tribute' song in their honor) -- along with twenty-one year old
pilot, Roger Peterson -- crashed shortly after takeoff in a frozen Iowa
cornfield. It was only 11 PM on the west coast. Within several hours of the
crash, early reports of the tragedy began to be
announced on the radio. I was falling in and out of sleep by that time, and
could not discern if I had been dreaming or if the fatal accident had really
taken place.
When I went into the kitchen for breakfast that morning, and prior to leaving
for school, on the dinette table was a copy of The Sacramento Union -- the
morning newspaper. And there, on the front page, was a short story of the plane
crash. My worst nightmare had been confirmed: Buddy Holly, at age 22, was dead.
JP Richardson, 28, the Texas deejay turned recording star, and one of rock's
first Latino stars, Ritchie Valens, 17, were gone.
Little did I know that barely five years later, a day after my 20th birthday, I
would hire The Crickets to open for The Four Seasons at the Sacramento Memorial
Auditorium, March 25, 1964. Little did I know that I would become friends with
Waylon Jennings, who had given up his seat on the Bonanza aircraft that cold
February night, and Bobby Vee, who, at age 15, would get his first big 'break'
by filling in for Buddy on the February 3 "Winter Dance Party" date
in Moorehead, Minnesota. Yes, I've been truly blessed, just as all of us were
blessed by the great music of three rock n' roll legends.
Fred Vail
Treasure Isle Recorders, Inc.
Nashville, TN
"Music City, USA"
50 years ago, tragedy struck the music world in a
way which took several years to recover from. Three bright young stars of the
day were wiped out in a split second due to a pilot error. I've been alive less
than half of that time, but their music has touched me and my life, as it has
for millions of other people. Why else would people still remember the great
tragedy some 50 years later? People still sing the songs, listen to the old
45's, and enjoy the music as much as they did when the tunes first came out --
or whenever they heard them for the first time. "The day the music
died?" The music will never die, rock and roll is here to stay! As long as
somebody out there still knows their songs and passes them on to the next
generation, the music will live on forever. Nobody gets out of this world
alive, and it was their time to go, in spite of how short their lives were when
they died. Two of them were younger than I currently am, and it's safe to say
they had accomplished more in their short lives than I have so far in mine.
They all left behind a legacy of great music, and memories for millions of
people that will last a lifetime. Where were you the first time you rocked out
to La Bamba? I was in the basement of my neighbor's house with the radio turned
all the way up on the oldies station. How about Oh Boy? I was on the deck of my
old house, in the middle of summer, with a tiny radio next to me, lying out in
the sun... how about Chantilly Lace? Well, I discovered that one on a Time Life
Rock And Roll Era cassette tape. Everyone has memories of the first time they
heard certain songs ... and sometimes I think of other artists whose careers
were directly affected by the passing of this trio. Would Bobby Vee have been
discovered and become a national treasure if Buddy had lived? What about Bobby
Fuller? He likely wouldn't have covered the Crickets' I Fought The Law and
Love's Made A Fool Of You, and himself could very well have been alive today
still. The people may be gone, but the music lives on, and that is the most
important thing. For me, the day the music dies is the day I die too.
-- Tom Diehl
Kent ...
How ya' doin'? Of course I remember the day that Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens,
and the Big Bopper died, but I prefer to think of them when I saw them live and
in-person at an Alan Freed Stage Show in 1958. It was advertised as having the
biggest Stars in the Rock and Roll Galaxy. Although I enjoyed Bo Diddley, Eddie
Cochran, Chuck Berry, The Moonglows and The Flamingos, I was there to see one
group, whose song, “That’ll Be The Day”, was at the top of the charts.
I remember Alan Freed came out at the 10:00 AM show, in his trademark plaid
jacket and was about to introduce Buddy Holly and the Crickets. From where I
was sitting, I could see someone in the wings waving and trying to get Alan's
attention. On a strict time schedule, he saw only two-thirds of the group
waiting in the wings, but he made his announcement anyway, "Now here's Buddy
Holly and The Cricket!". Fortunately, Joe B.Maudlin ran onstage with his
stand-up bass, halfway through the first song, and added the icing on the cake.
Buddy had been such an inspiration to me; I was determined to meet him, even if
it meant I had to stand in the rain to do it!
(For the rest of the story click onto)
As a special treat for Forgotten hit readers here’s a 1955
home movie clip of Buddy without the Crickets in his first appearance in
Lubbock, Texas on the same bill as Elvis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash!
Copyright 2009 Artie Wayne from the forthcoming book, “I
Did It For A Song”
What's more incredible to contemplate? The extraordinary work he did in such a
short time or the great things he would have done had he lived?
I wonder how many of your readers are familiar with the Holly writen and
produced "Stay Close to Me" by Lou Giordano from late '58. It
features Buddy on guitar and the Everly's participated, too. It was recorded in
NYC in late 1958. Giordano returned to obscurity. I wonder if he's still
around? By the way, the new Rarities cd looks excellent. Here's a link to the
complete information as posted on
here: Down the Line: The Rarities: Buddy Holly: Music
Tim English / Sounds Like Teen Spirit
Hi, Kent and Company,
First, a moment in memory of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper.
Holly was my first musical hero; I still remember the feeling of loss when that
crash happened. They died, but their music (especially that of Holly and
Valens, and their influence) lives.
Country Paul Payton
(proud to be living in New Jersey)
The first artist I ever interviewed after I got into
Country radio in the early 70s was Waylon Jennings. His management asked
specifically that I not talk to him about Buddy Holly. As a rock and roll fan,
that final concert in Clear Lake is what I wanted to know about most. After the
obligatory questions about his latest album, Waylon himself brought up the
subject. Waylon always seemed to have a good feeling for people, and in light
of later times I spent with Waylon, I’m not surprised he sensed that Buddy was
on my mind. I’ll always appreciate the opportunity I had to hear a first person
account of that night from him. A few years later, Waylon introduced me to The
Crickets when they were touring with him, and over the years I’ve been
fortunate to hear a lot of Buddy Holly stories from those closest to him, but
hearing the story from Waylon’s viewpoint will always be special.
Ed Salamon
Nashville, TN
I've had the great pleasure of meeting and working with
some great names in our business -- from Bo Diddley and Eddie Cochran to Paul
McCartney and Van Morrison ... but one of my greatest regrets is never having
met Buddy Holly. There's no question that Buddy was an innovator. I've always
loved his stuff -- and I still do songs like Rave On and That'll Be The Day in
my own sets. Also, one has to admire the fact that Buddy seemed to have more
creative freedom in the studio than many of us -- his peers -- ever had ... and
he used that advantage to establish a sound and a style better than anyone at
that time. His music still sounds fresh to this day!
Luckily, I've had the pleasure of working with the Crickets several times in
years -- here and in England: Joe B. Mauldin, Jerry Allison and Sonny Curtis
are a great bunch of guys and they do a fabulous job.
In February of 2006, I was invited to perform at the Surf Ballroom in Clear
Lake and it was a great thrill for my wife Joan and I. That show also featured
the Crickets, Albert Lee, Wanda Jackson, Narvel Felts and the Nelsons. We had a
great time ... and it was very touching to be part of that particular tribute.
I can hardly believe its been 50-years since we lost Buddy, Ritchie Valens and
the Big Bopper, but what a great legacy they've left to us. We were all just
kids then, but they will remain forever young. God Bless Their Souls!
Charlie Gracie
Charlie Gracie, performing in Clear Lake, Iowa, 2006, at The Buddy Holly Fest
Charlie and all the artists (The Crickets, Albert Lee, the
Nelson Twins and Narvel Felts) were interviewed on KRIB in Mason City, Iowa.
This was a banner year!
Like most youngsters of my generation, I LOVED
Buddy Holly. Sadly I never got to see him, though a friend of mine did, and
I've been jealous ever since.
Here's my contribution, but the show is only available for a few days, so
listen NOW !!!
George Van Win
As far as my career goes, Buddy Holly has been one of, if
not the most, significant influences. It's the simple genius of his writing and
singing. I feel that had he lived, he would have been an important writer for
years. Many of todays songs have a Buddy Holly sound to them.
Here's to Buddy,
Austin Roberts, a true fan
Had Holly been born with Presley's sex appeal, it would
have been no contest.
Holly was the 50's true rock renaissance man. He wrote it, he sang it, he
played it, he produced it and he imagined it. He accomplished more in 22 years than most will accomplish in a lifetime. His music was deceptively simple, while
being the foundation for much that lay ahead. We're all better off that Buddy Holly
came along, if only for 17 months.
Bob Stroud / WDRV - FM
Hi Kent,
Since we're at the 50-year mark, I thought I'd share this with your readers. It's a piece I did 38 or so years ago when I was doing radio in Omaha and I remixed it (digitally) a couple of years ago. It's titled The Day The Music Died Hope you enjoy!
Thanks, Robert ... if you simply click on the link above, you'll get to
listen to the whole tribute piece. (kk)
I hope all finds you well. Great Newsletters.Thanks!
Wanted to give you some info on a exhibit I am doing at Clear Lake, Iowa at the
Surf Ballroom in tribute to the 50th Anniversary of "The Day The Music
Died". I've enclosed a link of the events. Mine, as you will see, is the
last night, Feb 2nd,the night of the big concert. I have enclosed some items in
my collection for the exhibit. Hope all the readers will enjoy them.
1. Ritchie Valens and Waylon Jennings (Cricket) at Winter Dance Party signed on
back of receipt.
2. Big Bopper handwritten letter
3. Buddy Holly's childhood Homework. Notice he has an "E" in Holley.
When he became famous, he dropped the e from his name.
Tom Fontaine
(click photos to enlarge image)
The British Invasion was built by Buddy Holly and his pop roots and country influences. Look at this: Beatles named after Crickets... The Hollies ... Herman's Hermits were originally called Pete Novac and the Heartbeats ... The Stones even did a Buddy Holly song! I dare say Buddy was the prime influence of British Rock and Roll and the reason we were all so melodious. I have trekked to Lubbock and met other English fans (amazing) wandering around, looking for hints of his genius and why it was born there. I have been to Iowa to see the plane crash site and say "Hello, Buddy, we thank you, we miss you and we will see you in heaven, but I hope not soon!"
-- Peter Noone / Herman
Hey Kent,
Great job as usual.
This story hits close to home for me.
It was 50 years ago on February 3rd that I was born. The exact date and time
Buddy Holly and friends perished in that terrible plane crash.
I never understood how important those men were until I was older and in high
Although it is a milestone birthday for me, I am still saddened by the loss.
I have included a picture from 2006 when the Crickets came to Cool Scoops for a
visit. The music may have died here, but it's still going strong in Heaven!
All the best,
Paul Russo / Cool Scoops
Since you asked for
thoughts, I'll share one with you because I could share a TON ... but a LOT of
people are sharing thoughts with you ... so the one Buddy Holly thought I have
is that his song that he co-wrote with Norman Petty, "True Love Ways"
is, in my opinion, STILL one of the most beautiful Love Ballads that has ever
been written, sung and produced by ANYBODY.
I play it for older groups in retirement communities and Alzheimer groups as a
part of my "Memories" Show, and when I see those folks listening to
it and enjoying the 'memories' they have of it from when they used to listen to
it back in the old days when it was on the charts and on his records, I can see
that it STILL makes them feel good.
I think it's going to be a song that is remembered centuries from now. It is a
magic song ... entirely "timeless","inter-generational",
and NOBLDY could EVER sing it like Buddy sings it. When you listen to it
knowing a little about his life, you can tell that it is his deeply sincere lyric written for his wife, and that chokes me up to
think of a love that strong, the way he sings it to her and creates the
beautiful song about their "True Love Ways". A love that strong never
dies and he's alive in that song today.
I just noticed that he and I share the same birthday, September 7th, so that's
cool for me to know, too. Being over 60 now I've had a lot of experiences with
playing in groups from Rock bands to BIG bands, and I'm still involved in
music, but in my early teens as a singer / guitar player sort of folksinger I
sang his songs "Oh Boy", "Peggy Sue", and 'Maybe
Baby", and later on in a Rock band, so like most people my age I've felt
connected with Buddy and his music my whole life. But Kent, there's no song I
can think of that brings out that deep love feeling like "True Love
Ways" does, and it's sad to think that he and his wife didn't have too
much time together before he was killed.
Remembering him and Ritchie and The Big Bopper is the right thing to do EVERY
February 3rd, so take it easy Kent and thanks for all the work you put into
your incredible newsletter for us.
Veeder Van Dorn
Camarillo, California
Buddy Holly was not your traditional Teen Idol. He wasn't all that good looking
... in fact, for the most part he probably looked like the dorkiest kid in your
He wasn't a dynamic performer and didn't command the stage presence of an Elvis
Presley or a Jerry Lee Lewis ... for that matter, he wasn't a great singer or
an outstanding guitarist ... in fact, his records were pretty basic,
rudamentary performances ... simple arrangements with very little background
accompaniment ... easy enough for virtually ANY other kid with a guitar to
reproduce on stage. (As such, nearly EVERY remake ever recorded sounds better
than Buddy's original!) The BEST thing Buddy Holly had going for him was the
uncanny ability to write a song ... just look how many of his songs have been
covered over the years!!! As Peter Noone mentioned above, a good chunk of The
British Invasion owes their roots (and perhaps a bit of their success) to Buddy
Holly ... The Beatles did "Words Of Love", The Rolling Stones did
"Not Fade Away" and Peter And Gordon did what I think is the
BEST version of "True Love Ways" ever recorded. Heck, even hard rock
Super Group Blind Faith did an interesting version of "Well,
All-Right"!!! In the '70's his music was being recorded by Linda Ronstadt
(That'll Be The Day, It's So Easy, It Doesn't Matter Anymore ... which is
actually a Paul Anka song, by the way ... while Holly was quite the songwriter
himself, early in his career he recorded songs written by his contemporaries
like Anka and Bobby Darin!) and James Taylor did "Everyday", a song
that placed very high on our recent Favorite, Forgotten B-Sides Poll. There's
been SO much speculation as to what Buddy may have accomplished in his career
had the music NOT died on February 3, 1959 ... but it's ALL speculation. Odds
are he would have continued to have a few hits on his own but then he, too,
would have been derailed by The British Invasion that he helped to inspire!
Hopefully, he would have continued to write music for other artists ... and
maybe produce some of these acts, too. (Then again, who knows ... had HE lived,
perhaps Ritchie Valens would have inspired a late '50's Latin Music Revolution
and the whole British thing never would have happened!!!) Like I said, it's ALL
speculation. Rick Nelson would record an AMAZING stripped-down
version of Holly's "True Love Ways" near the end of his own career
... powerful in its own reading ... and all the more so when you consider that
Nelson made it out of the '50's alive as one of Buddy's contemporaries ... but
would perish decades later in his OWN plane crash. (kk)
What If???
Pages and pages have been written about WHAT IF the plane carrying Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper had NOT crashed that fateful night of February 3, 1959.
Of course ANY theories on this subject are PURELY speculation ... but here are a few thoughts on the subject:
One point that seemed to be really driven home during some of the Buddy Holly Specials I listened to these past several days was that Holly's career was actually in a DECLINE prior to the crash ... his BIGGEST hits came EARLY in his career (That'll Be The Day - #3, 1957; Peggy Sue - #2, 1957; Oh Boy! - #10, 1958 and Maybe Baby - #11, 1958.) After that he only hit The National Top 20 one more time (It Doesn't Matter Anymore - #13, 1959). Meanwhile, seven OTHER chart records kicked around the lower end of the chart, including the now-classic Rave On, which peaked at #37 when it was first released back in 1958. Incredibly, songs that many of us consider today to be some of Buddy Holly's best (Words Of Love, True Love Ways) failed to chart AT ALL!!! (Proof again that his career was resurrected to "larger than life" status thanks to remakes by some of The British Invasion artists!) Other Holly classics like Not Fade Away and Everyday ended up as non-charting B-Sides! Reports that the plane crash received very little "conventional" press at the time makes one wonder just WHAT these guys would have had to do to sustain a career. (If great records like Not Fade Away, Words Of Love, True Love Ways, Everyday, Rave On and Heartbeat weren't reaching an audience at the PEAK of rock and roll, who's to say for sure that Holly's work would have been noticed, remembered and revered had he NOT perished in rock and roll's first great tragedy?!?!? Not to say for a moment that these aren't GREAT songs ... but did WE discover these and make Buddy a legend after the fact ... perhaps, in part, BECAUSE of the tragedy???)
For more "What If" scenarios, check out some of the postings on Ron Smith's Oldies Music Message Board:
Click here: Oldies Music Bulletin Board: If the music had not died .....
© Copyright Kent Kotal / Forgotten Hits, 1998 - 2025 ...
All rights reserved
(Note: This article was
first published in Forgotten Hits in 2009)